Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 21, 2008

Warning-Gratuitous Mommy-Bragging Ahead

See this kid?


She's in the school newspaper this week for being a "KC KID". That's kind and compassionate kid. Her teacher nominated her for it when she saw Kym helping a friend understand the lesson after all her work was done. Hear that? All her work was done. In 5 years of being a student, not once has this child finished all her work at school-it's always had to come home.

I was SO resistant to starting her on ADD meds, but I trusted her doctor, and I trusted the opinions of all the wonderful PEAople I heard testimonies from about how it changed their kids for the better (Jess, this means you), so I took a deep breath, and did it. And WOW. She's so much easier to talk to, so much more aware of what she's doing (or not doing), so much more easy-going, even.

Instead of feeling like this all the time:


She feels like this:


Don't worry, though, she's still a dreamer with a big imagination.
The meds just let the real Kymmie shine through.



Liz said...

Congratulations to her!!!! and you Mum. It is always so hard as parents when you are unsure of your decisions. And always so great when you get these signs that you made the exact right decision for your kid.

Becky said...

Good for her! What a great success story. I'm glad you're feeling good about your decision and she is feeling better. :-)

Cindi Koceich said...

That is wonderful news Jenn!!! I'm sure you feel such relief for her too!! Yay!!

pat said...

Yea, Kymmie!! I am so glad, Jenn, that you went ahead with this, and that it is working out so well. How freeing for her to be able to focus, concentrate, and interact like she wants to do!

KRISTIE said...

im really glad things are improving. that is fab news that she is doing so much better. really cute shots

Margaret said...

That is so great she is doing so well. She looks like the sweetest girl!

Chell said...

Hey Jellybean... Oh I am so happy to hear she is doing so well on the Meds. Hugs to Kimmie and to you. She is an adoarble little girl.

Mandy said...

That is so great to hear. All too much I hear nightmares about kids going on ADD meds, but every once in a while you get a kid who is really helped by it. I love your sun flair. Its gorgeous.

Melissa said...

I'm so happy for both of you! It really can make a difference, ask me I know! My DD is making great gains now and I was so proud of her report card we went to see High School Musical 3 for all her hard work. I'm so glad to decided to give it a try.

Bobbi said...

Jenn I am so happy reading this post. She is doing so amazing, and I am happy for the both of you. She is just such a beautiful girl, you can see it inside and out.

Kim J said...

Jenn, that is awesome! I am happy that she is getting the help she needs and is doing better because of it. Can I ask which meds she is on? I am taking my DS to the Doc on Dec to see about changing up his meds. He is doing very well at school ( better than he ever has) but the side affects are killing us all. I hope we can find something that suits him better and will let him eat and be the sweet kid that I know he is ( and used to be)